Some interesting things we can do with strings in Swift

    Today I want to discuss strings in Swift Hello everyone. I am trying to reinforce my knowledge of some interesting topics by writing about them./ I like to write as this gives me an introspection into my thought process, allows others to get possibly interested in a topic and learn from me, and allows me to learn from much better people than myself. If I have time, I will try to write those articles here.

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    Modding games for blind gamers: a nice challenge or a bottomless pit of sorrow and frustration??

    Introduction It is widely known that billions of people every day enjoy video games, whether on their computers, mobile phones or gaming consoles. But how many of you thought about making those great titles accessible to those with special needs? Recently more and more games get accessibility options. And while some games make only the minimum effort to comply with the existing accessibility laws and regulations, some titles take this a step further and make their titles fully playable for disabled people.

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